Friday 17 May 2013

Senior Health is Important to Delay Your Parents from becoming Disabled

Senior health is a complicated issue to bring up especially if your parents are the one being talked about. No one wants to be called old, more so when people are looking at you and thinking that you are disabled. People look at them in a different way and will make them feel inferior as they are unable to do the things that they were once able to do.
Eating unhealthy foods will just contribute to increasing the risk of getting diseases such as atherosclerosis, which is the build up of cholesterol on the arteries. Once these become very thick, it can occlude the passage of blood leading to decreased oxygen supply to the heart muscles leading to a heart attack.
In addition to eating healthy foods, getting enough exercise is also important to keep the muscles healthy and prevent them from being weak. Exercise will keep the blood pumping and continue supplying all of the parts of the body. This will also relieve stress and tension, as well as releasing wastes within the body. This will keep the body stress free and easier to manage.
A lot of elderly people also take a lot of medications to maintain their health. But a lot of them also tend to be forgetful so it is important to make sure that they take their meds regularly. Make sure that these medications are also safe and will not interact with one another as these may cause undesirable side effects.
Another aspect that should be kept healthy in the elderly is the mind. Many people take this for granted. Elderly people still need to lead a quality life and not just stay at home all of the time doing nothing. They should be given the chance to go out and have dun, socialize with other people in their age group as well. The brain should also be kept busy and used, as diseases such as Alzheimer's may arise if the brain is not used very much. So make sure your parents continue living a healthy life to avoid looking and feeling old very quickly thus leading to them becoming disabled much faster.